Friday, November 30, 2012

Hello, World!

Hello Internet, hello world!

As awfully unimaginative as the title of my first blog post sounds, it originates in the field of software development, my field of work, where a programmer's first attempt at learning a programming language starts with, well, printing on the display the habitual "Hello, world!" text, just to see that everything works as expected for the simplest scenario possible. So I'm going to follow this habit here as well, "greeting the world" from the first post I've ever written, on my first blog, which honestly I'm not entirely accustomed to yet.

Rest assured however that this is not a blog about programming or computers, as you may have already suspected from its name. Simply put, it's a blog mostly about movies, about glimpses of ideas that one may spot in a movie or, recurrently, across different movies. Ideas that may well be worth being talked about, debated or even elaborated further. I intend thus to spark dialogues instead of static monologues, to see the readers' point of view as well, to agree or contradict and in turn to be agreed with or contradicted!

One more thing I feel I should mention: I am by no means - nor do I pretend to be - a qualified movie reviewer. The aim of this blog is not to offer professional, comprehensive movie reviews - although everyone's impressions are definitely welcome and encouraged! There are plenty of sites, magazines and newspapers out there that are doing a better job at reviewing films than I'll ever do. 

Thanks for dropping by and reading this! Why movies, you might ask? I've had my share of films, both bad and good, and I feel they're an incredibly rich source of conversation. Having said that, I'm looking forward to take part in informal yet engrossing discussions about our favorite topic here, movies!